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Who We Are

Family helping family

A small group of cousins came together to discuss the impacts of the category five hurricane that hit Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. Each Detroit family member brought unique contributions to the planning process.  The group drew from their backgrounds and expertise in the areas of non-profit community economic development, licensed optometrist, business and logistics, and construction industry competencies in order to maximize impact efforts.  Knowing each family members unique circumstances, group members began to compile a list of aunts, uncles, first cousins, and their children.  A list was created detailing those in need and then prioritizing help based on the following criteria: housing, medicine, water, food, electricity, daily living supplies, relocation coordination, and job placement assistance.   Based on intermittent conversations with island family members and news reports, the group decided to develop a six month plan.  Reports of families being robbed for their supplies prompted detroit4puertorico to agree on a phased distribution strategy.   Phase one included establishing immediate communication with family members and completing a family assessment for the targeted families.  Over the course of the next months, the group will ensure the delivery of the resources needed for each family identified and regular website updates for donors.

Who we are: Who We Are
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