Family Story
San Lorenzo, PR
Liz, Jose, and their six children are just one of the many families your gift supported. Liz and Jose had been without power for 52 days and were desperate for electricity, but the only way they could manage was by running their family car by rotating eight different batteries! Jose was not able to sleep much because he was concerned about the safety of his car.
Now, because of your gift, Liz, Jose and their children have a generator so that they can keep the lights on and sleep without interruption. They are just one of the families you have helped.
Family Story
Yabucoa, PR
Edicta cares for her husband who has lung cancer, and her blind 99 year old father. Now that Edicta has been supplied with a generator, she can care for her loved ones with greater ease. She was able to use a connector to power her modest 900 sq ft home for several hours a day. Many of the families supplied with generators have been able to obtain connectors to power their homes. Please see the images below showing how these connectors are working.